Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What's the Score?

Its funny on what people keep score on. Some people keep score in sports, some in poker, and for some reason I know a guy that keep score on girls. It seems that my buddy likes to keep track of how many times he "Wins" and "Loses". Now I don't really understand his "Game" to well but it seems that he's in competition with some other guy. From what I remember he's losing the battle but he's still standing. Haha don't get me wrong he's a nice guy and all just saying I find it weird how he does this.

But I have to say, I don't think its a good idea keep track of this particular "game". All this is going to do is create competition with your friends and other bros. I mean isn't that we last thing we want? BUT saying that you shouldn't never give up getting that girl you really like. It ain't over until the fat lady sings.

Do you know anyone that keeps score on girls?
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